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 魏离雅,比利时人。1986年出生于意大利阿拉特里。2004—2008年,相继在布鲁塞尔La Cambre建筑学院、中国美术学院、四川美术学院进修。2009—2012年于布鲁塞尔自由大学艺术史与考古系获学士学位。2012—2017年于伦敦大学亚非学院艺术史与考古系获硕士学位、博士学位。2014—2015年,于四川美术学院美术学系和新莆京app下载官网考古文博系任客座讲师,教授艺术史论、东西方艺术史比较、文化遗产研究等课程。2015—2017年于伦敦大学亚非学院艺术史与考古系任教,主要研究丝绸之路艺术与考古中的文化交流。现任新莆京app下载官网考古文博系讲师。

 2009—2015年,与张强合作设计并完成“双面书法/开卷”——当代水墨的行为与装置作品。2010—2014年作为教育部人文社会科学项目《大空王佛——北朝石刻造像中本土化与国际化的文化交融》的主要负责人,调查山东、河北、河南的北朝石窟寺与摩崖石刻。2012—2016年,曾在中国重庆、四川、云南、贵州及湖北等地调查东汉至唐宋时期的崖墓与崖葬,主要研究西南地区与高地东南亚的原始历史,以及流动耕种团体与农耕帝国的互动历史,运用交通史及多种资料(文献、地图、生存方式、聚落、墓葬等)来综合研究边疆地区的历史地理。2013—2017年,与Rupert Griffiths博士成立“Site-Seal-Gesture”公众考古项目。
I studied calligraphy, sigillography and landscape painting at the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, and Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing (2007-2010). I took part in a contemporary ink painting project – ‘Biface Graphy/Open Scroll’ with calligrapher Zhang Qiang (2009-2015) and in a China Ministry of Education funded research project on Buddhist epigraphy in Shandong Province – ‘Great Vacuity Buddha-King : Sutra Engravings and Visual Culture under the Northern Dynasties’ (2012-2016). I was also part of a collaborative project in creative archaeology with geographer Rupert Griffiths entitled ‘Site_Seal_Gesture’ (2013-2017). In 2014-2015, I lectured at the Art Theory department in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute on the ‘History of Sinology : The Study of East Asian Art in the West’, and at the Archaeology department at Renmin University of China on ‘Comparing Values in Cultural Heritage : Landscape, Identity and Authenticity’. In 2015-2017, I taught the MA ‘Art and Archaeology of the Silk Road’ at the department of the History of Art and Archaeology SOAS.

I obtained my PhD degree with a thesis entitled ‘Highland Routes and Frontier Communities at the Fall of the Han Empire (2nd to 3rd century CE): A Comparative Study of Cave Burials South of the Yangzi River’ at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and have accepted an appointment at the department of Archaeology in Renmin University of China, Beijing, from September 2018. I recently joined the EAst/ULB platform and delivered a series of conferences entitled "Regard sur la Tradition Lettrée" at Université Libre de Bruxelles. I have supervised the "Ink Art Week" in Venice (April 2018), including a collective exhibition of contemporary ink art in Magazzino del Sale n°3 hosted by the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia and a conference hosted by Ca' Foscari University. I curated the first edition of "Lithic Impressions", an exhibition cum workshop devoted to antiquarianist practices, in particular rubbing techniques, in Palazzo Zen, Venice. The next edition of "Lithic Impressions" will be held at the Musée Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, at the occasion of the second edition of the "Ink Art Week" in Brussels (Mai 2019).

 2004—2008年,相继在布鲁塞尔La Cambre建筑学院、中国美术学院、四川美术学院进修。


 2017年8月, 伦敦大学亚非学院艺术史与考古系客座讲师。


 汉学史与东方艺术史研究, 文化遗产保护与管理, 丝绸之路艺术与考古。




 2017. 张强、魏离雅:《大空王佛——僧安道一与北朝視覺文化》,文物出版社。


 2014. 魏离雅:《復古與地區創新—綿陽漢闕在六世紀佛教中的再利用》,《理論、方法與實踐——美術考古與大足學研究》,重庆出版社。
 2015. 魏离雅:《川中地區東漢崖墓的刻石過程:以四川省安岳縣祠堂坡崖墓群為案例》(A Technological Analysis of the Eastern Han Rock-Cut Burials in Citangpo, Anyue County, Sichuan Province),《大足学国际学术研讨会暨大足石刻首次科学考察70周年纪念会论文集》,四川美术学院。
 2016. 魏离雅:《岩畫學中的空間分析:方法與學術述評》,《中央民族大学青年教师岩画学研讨会论文集》,中央民族大学 。
2017. Lia Wei,Rupert Griffiths. ‘Reverse Archaeology: Experiments in Carving and Casting Space’. Paper in collaboration with Dr Rupert Griffiths. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, special edition on Creative Practices in Archaeology curated by Carolyn White and Ursula Frederick。
2018. Griffiths, Rupert, Lia Wei. ‘Tunnelling between Landscape and Artefact: An Itinerary of Points and Vectors’. In Ben Stringer and Krystallia Kamvasinou (Eds.), Re-imagining Rurality. Applied Research and Design (AR+D), ORO Editions: 32-45。
2018. Lia Wei. Lithic Impressions: From Stone to Ink on Paper 新金石学计划. Annual of Advanced Research in Ink Art. Culture and Art Publishing House 文化艺术出版社。
2018 (in press). Lia Wei. ‘Epigraphy in the Landscape: Intersections with Contemporary Ink Painting and Land Art’. In Gheorghiu Dragos and Theodor Barth (Eds.), Archaeology and Art. Archaeopress。
2019 (in press). Lia Wei,Rupert Griffiths. The Island of Hoo: A combinatory reading of ruins. Co-written with Rupert Griffiths. In Dan Lee, Antonia Thomas and Sarah Jane (eds.): Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory 2016 Conference Proceedings. Archaeopress Open Access series.
2019 (in press). Ink Art Week 2019. Annual of Advanced Research in Ink Art. Culture and Art Publishing House 文化艺术出版社. 


